Ī) ( Source) of stress: refers to the source of stress, but this factor alone does not explain the difference between eustress and distress, as it matters how one reacts to the stressful stimulus. The term 'stress' was first introduced into biology by Cannon in 1935, but the syndrome was defined as such by Selye in 1936, and can be 'positive' (eustress) or 'negative' (distress), depending on a number of factors. an illness) stressors that interfere at the endocrine, humoral, organic or biological level. Stress is a reaction that occurs when a person perceives an imbalance between the stresses received and the resources available to him or her, which has the function of re-establishing a new internal balance (homeostasis) as a result of external (e.g.

Contents of the manuscript The General Concept of the "Stress"