They mainly wear them at night, though they'll randomly spawn with them during the day, too. The figure includes a second head, featuring the Bobby's gas mask. That has to be intentional! Apparently the masks aren't just molded with smiles, but display the expressions of the face beneath, meaning he really is smiling this sinisterly. With his long, narrow face and curling grin, he ends up looking like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Wear creepy white masks that call to mind the Guy Fawkes masks from V for Vendetta, except that here they represent oppression and conformity rather than resistance. The Bobbies, like all the socially acceptable residents of Wellington Wells, He wears white gloves and pointy black shoes with a raised heel. The 15 buttons on his chest are raised slightly, as is his badge, and his belt has a single small pouch on the right side. The sculpt is nicely understated, not going overboard with the wrinkles or textures. For the most part, the Bobby looks like a normal police officer: smart blue uniform, rows and rows of brass buttons, the works. Anyone who doesn't take their pills is in for some trouble, both from the other residents of the town and from the bobbies. something? Something they're ashamed of and don't want to remember, so they take a pill called Joy, the side effects of which include near-total memory loss. So in the alternate world of the game, WWII took a different path, with Germany invading and conquering England.

The game itself seems disappointing, but that doesn't mean the toy will be. Set in a drug-fueled, retro-futuristic city in an alternative 1960s England, you'll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who have their own set of not-so-normal rules." Sure, okay. As the official blurb puts it, " We Happy Few is the tale of a spirited bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial. Like Jim Sterling says, "thank God for me," because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't know anything at all about We Happy Few beyond "McFarlane Toys made a toy from it." I saw this figure at GameStop one day and had no clue what it was.

Patrolling the streets of Wellington Wells, Bobby is always dressed in his constable outfit topped off with his distinct "Happy Face." Always on the look out for potential "downers," residents of Wellington Wells should always have some "joy" at the ready when they see Bobby nearby. B u y t h e t o y s, n o t t h e h y p e.